Do you ever wonder how much impact and influence your
actions carry as a child of God on other people?
2 Corinthians 5:20 so we are Christ's ambassadors, God making His appeal as it
were through us. We [as Christ's personal representatives] beg you for His sake
to lay hold of the divine favor [now offered you] {and} be reconciled to God. AMP
2 Corinthians 6:1 LABORING TOGETHER
[as God's fellow workers] with Him then, we beg of you not to receive the grace
of God in vain [that merciful kindness by which God exerts His holy influence
on souls and turns them to Christ, keeping and strengthening them--do not
receive it to no purpose]. AMP
We often confess the scripture above, declaring that we are
ambassadors of Christ, that we represent the kingdom of God and that we are
under his government. An ambassador is a representative of country; they act
and speak in their nations favor. What they say or do in the country they have
been sent is treated as an action or being said by the entire country they are
from. Unless the country they are sent from dissociates themselves from the
action or words spoken.
What an ambassador says or does can set the relationship
pace of his country of origin and the country he is sent to. He is responsible
for the image of his country in that particular nation and can entice people
from the foreign nation to visit or even become members of his nation or not.
Simply put, an ambassador is a piece of a certain nation in another. You are
such a one for the kingdom of God, a piece of heaven on earth.
As a child of God, what you say or do is taken as what God
says or does over a matter. Knowing this then, why are we carless with our
words and actions? Why do we have so many Christians confessing Christ but speaking
and acting carelessly? Christians who hate people naturally, unkind, rude,
unhelpful merciless, unforgiving, unloving, Christians that slander and take
pride in bringing down others. Christians who condemn rather than love back to
life the unsaved.
I have been on a self-discovery journey and I see how my own
life, instead of ministering to some of the people around me, injures them and
makes them prodigal. How I have stood in the gap and acted in ways that have
made people who were in desperate need of salvation not want what I have
because. How my actions have broken them instead of built them.
The word today is not to implore you to walk after men, so
as to please the flesh, but rather to implore you to go back to the threshing
floor. As Christians we should be love dispenses. Let us do all things in love.
The world needs to know us for love. Let us represent God well. What you
experience with God in the closet is what we should emulate and practice with
the people around us. Let us be fishers
of men. Let people catch a glimpse of heaven when they are around you. Be
glorious, honorable and helpful ambassadors. Don’t just win souls during evangelism
outreach and adjust your talk then. Let your talk be godly always, and your
ways righteous, even when you think no one is watching.